
Ayahuasca and Microdosing

Calendar Icon February 21, 2022 BY WorkSocial Press and Editorial

Ayahuasca and Microdosing

Ayahuasca, a psychoactive brew made from leaves of various plants, is starting to become more mainstream. More celebrities share their experiences with the hallucinogenic tea, while others embark on trips to foreign destinations for a sip.
An Ayahuasca “trip” can be an enlightening experience for some, while others encounter distress and anguish. If you’re considering taking Ayahuasca, finding objective information about the brew can be tricky. Read on to learn more about the potential risks, benefits, and what you can expect when choosing to participate in a session.

Where Does Ayahuasca Come From?

The sacred beverage was used during spiritual and religious ceremonies by ancient Amazonian tribes and is still a regular part of some religious communities in Brazil and North America. These ceremonies are led by a shaman, who prepares the drink by boiling torn leaves of the Psychotria Viridis shrub and stalks of the Banisteriopsis Caapi vine in water.


When you participate in an Ayahuasca ceremony, you’re essentially putting your wellbeing in the shaman’s hands. They are in charge of the ingredients, dosing, and monitoring you for potentially dangerous or life-threatening side effects. That’s why it’s critical to find a trusted source or shaman. Ayahuasca made by untrained individuals who are not well-versed in the dosing, preparation, or side effects can put participants in severe danger.

Microdosing Ayahuasca & Other Psychedelics to Boost Mental Health

Some say that taking mini doses of psychedelic drugs like psilocybin, LSD, and Ayahuasca can help trigger warm emotions and pleasure.

Psychedelic drugs have come a long way since they were first introduced as a party drug around the 1960s. Once a taboo topic is now gaining more acceptance in mainstream quarters of society. Some psychedelics have even been defined as a “breakthrough therapy” by the Food and Drug Administration to treat PTSD.

Taking a small dose or a microdose of Ayahuasca that does not lead to hallucinations may have beneficial effects on mental health. Using these psychedelics in moderation has illuminated the potential mental-health benefits of these once-shunned drugs.


Potential Benefits of Ayahuasca

Most people who have tried Ayahuasca report the experience was positive. Some claim to have had life-changing experiences with long-term repercussions. This is likely caused by the effects of Ayahuasca on the neurological system.

Ayahuasca may be able to improve psychological wellbeing. Some research states that the brew can increase the mindfulness capacity in the brain and lead to a healthier overall psychological wellbeing.

The Long-Term Benefits 

While some try Ayahuasca as a one-off experience on a trip, others use it to help cope with cognitive thinking and ease the effects of mental health disorders like depression.

If you’re interested in long-term usage, consuming a small dose of Ayahuasca once weekly for four weeks may help improve mindfulness, boost your mood, and regulate your emotions. With that being said, there’s no ‘magic’ dose or time frame. What works for you won’t work for everyone and vice versa.

More people than ever before with other severe mental health issues like PTSD, addiction disorders, extreme anxiety, or mood disorders are using Ayahuasca to help cope. While there’s still not a lot of research, some studies have shown that Ayahuasca has beneficial effects in treating depression, anxiety, mood disorders, and drug dependence.

Are There Any Potential Side Effects?
Consuming this psychedelic brew is not for everyone. Unfortunately, there’s no way to tell how your body and mind will react to Ayahuasca. Some side effects (which are considered normal, by the way) during a trip can include vomiting, diarrhea, paranoia, and panic. Microdosing can help reduce your chances for a bad trip and help prevent other adverse side effects.

Most experts agree that it’s not a good idea to take Ayahuasca if you take certain medications, including antidepressants, psychiatric prescriptions, cough medicines, among others. Also, anyone with a history of psychiatric disorders, like schizophrenia, shouldn’t take Ayahuasca because it can potentially worsen psychiatric symptoms. Finally, people with heart conditions should avoid Ayahuasca because it can increase their heart rate and blood pressure.

What’s Next?

While we’re not sure what the future will hold, there is some potential that doctors will eventually use Ayahuasca as a treatment for specific medical conditions.

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