
Coworking Space NJ Post COVID19 Plans

Calendar Icon April 18, 2020 BY WorkSocial Press and Editorial

With all that said, I am delighted to announce the launch of Project Ignite

The Pillars of Project Ignite:

Be Present: From the time you awake to the time you go to bed. Be on purpose

Be Awesome: Deliver every moment like it was your last

Be Energized: Energy goes where your focus goes, focus on being grateful

Be in Purpose: Create a vision of contribution, multiply it 1000X. That is your why

Live Forever: Eat, drink, move, sweat, breath. Rebuild your mind, body, and thoughts

Phase 1: Create a Foundation: May 1 to June 15

This is what We are doing 

  1. Portfolio of Daily Guided Meditations, write daily gratitude and set an intention
  2. Phase in your workday with the intention of growth
  3. Plan your work: Consider working in shifts and reduce overlap)
  4. PPE at Work (Face masks and gloves no longer an option)
  5. Move with Intention: Understand how to the common areas of WorkSocial (Distance, Direction, Destination)
  6. Reduce Touch: Need something ask for it by text, slack or email, reduce touch 
  7. Get out to move daily: WorkSocial Bike Rental Coming Soon
  8. UV lights treatment of personal products
  9. Join your slack group: Allow us to help you scale
  10. Be Well: Join the workforce testing
  11. Eat your way to health: Imagine every bite you take now works to build immunity
  12. Air Quality deployment in conference rooms and meeting rooms

We have expanded office space in New Jersey and are slowly phasing in our expansion. If you would like to join WorkSocial, please find time on my calendar.

Together we emerge. Wiser.

Natasha Mohan

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If you are looking for a new office space in Jersey City, you might be overwhelmed by the variety of options available. From traditional cubicles to modern coworking spaces, from downtown skyscrapers to waterfront buildings, there is something for every taste and budget. But how do you find the best office space for your needs? How do you ensure that your work.

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Having WorkSocial’s private office space for rent in NJ is definitely one of the best choices for small and large businesses alike. WorkSocial offers:
Having WorkSocial’s private office space for rent in NJ is definitely one of the best choices for small and large businesses alike. WorkSocial offers:
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