
How Having a Co-Working Space Can Increase Mental Health & Productivity

Calendar Icon March 17, 2022 BY WorkSocial Press and Editorial

People have been freelancing for years, which often meant working out of a home office. But the recent increase in remote workers has once again brought the plight of working alone to the forefront of people’s minds.

While remote work offers some definite perks, such as being able to occasionally sit through a meeting in your pajama pants, there comes a point when you start to realize it’s not all cozy and leisurely days.

Many people find that spending so much time alone at home can eventually begin to erode their emotional wellbeing. According to a recent poll, approximately 29% of people who work from home full-time report experiencing burnout, and this is up from the 18% of people who reported feeling this way during pre-covid times.

You might be experiencing the burnout that occurs from remote work if you find yourself struggling to accomplish tasks or being distracted by the tiniest things.

Waking up and dreading moving to your home office is a sure sign that you’re experiencing work from home stress.

The good news is that you don’t have to leave your remote job just to find relief. Instead, exploring the benefits of having a co-working space for your mental health and productivity can

help you find the ideal solution for one of the more modern working class woes.

Add Structure to Your Day

One of the biggest stressors that people often face when they start working from home is that their daily routine gets thrown out of whack. Without a commute, you might be tempted to oversleep. Or, you might opt out of lunch in the hopes that rushing through your work will get you done in time to binge watch your favorite show.

Unfortunately, letting your daily routine stray too far from a normal schedule can leave you feeling out of sorts. A structured routine helps you to   feel a sense of accomplishment while minimizing stresses that come from not knowing what comes next. When you have a co-working space, you have a place that you can use to establish a set routine.

For instance, you may choose to start your day at your co-working office, which means that you’ll need to wake up at a specific time. You can also set up rituals that give you a sense of stability such as having a mid-morning coffee break with a nearby friend.

Create Separation Between Work and Home

Approximately  75% of people with depression have trouble falling asleep or managing to stay asleep throughout the night. Having a room full of electronics with blinking lights and noisy notifications is not conducive to getting a full night’s sleep. But how do you cut yourself off from the work world when it’s time to shut off the lights? One effective way to is to relegate work tasks to a co-working office. Keeping your electronics out of the bedroom helps you wake up more alert, and it could be what you need to avoid depression.

Establish Greater Accountability

Along with adding more leisure clothes to your closet, working from home might have led to a more serious habit. Since the pandemic led to more people working from home, the rates for day drinking are up. Being in close proximity to your fridge could tempt you to pop open that bottle of wine earlier during the day. You might also feel more comfortable drinking when you don’t feel like other people will know. In addition to seeking treatment for excessive day drinking, having a co-working space can keep you away from temptation while putting you closer to people who will help hold you accountable for staying sober during the work day.

Increase Your Engagement and Focus

Your home is designed for comfort and enjoyment, but it might not be the most conducive space to work. The ideal workplace will vary according to your career field and job duties, but the average person needs specific qualities such as proper lighting and distraction-free spaces. When people are placed in an ideal work environment with fresh air and proper lighting, they report being 11% more productive.

Co-working buildings are designed using the latest research on employee productivity. In the ideal co-working space, you’ll find features such as ergonomic desks and chairs, common areas for socializing and private spaces where you can hold an important meeting. You should also notice special touches such as plants, task lighting and windows that all create an environment that fosters greater attention and focus.

Find a Workplace Confidant

At some point, everyone will have to deal with an annoying coworker who seems to disrupt the workplace, and you might have been glad to walk away from frustrating people when you started working from home. However, most people find that they still benefit from being around people. In fact, a recent survey makes it clear that people who can identify a best friend at work are seven times more productive than people who don’t have a close confidant.

Having a good friend at work gives you someone to bounce ideas off of when you get stuck during a creative moment. You may also benefit from having someone to vent to about minor issues in your personal life or even the last meeting that you had. One of the best things about finding a friend in a co-working space is that they aren’t always tied to your current career, which means that they’ll listen without judgment while you vent about an overfilled to-do list. Letting out your emotions helps you to re-establish a positive mindset.

Having the ability to control how and when you work helps you to avoid mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression that come from feeling stuck or overburdened. However, you will need to make a few plans to stave off loneliness and other hazards that come from remote work. Adding a co-working space to your working arrangements offers you a flexible option for maintaining your mental health so that you can maximize the benefits of your new remote position.

Author: Andrea Poteet Bell


gallup.com-Remote Workers Facing Burnout

hackensackmeridianhealth.org-Why Routines Are Important for Mental Health

hopkinsmedicine.org-Depression and Sleep

uchealth.org-How to Stop Day Drinking During the Pandemic


forbes.com-How Your Office Influences Your Productivity

forbes.com-The Importance of Work Friends

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