
Importance of Sleep

Calendar Icon April 29, 2022 BY WorkSocial Press and Editorial

Why do we need sleep? We know that we don’t feel our best after a sleepless night, but getting enough rest goes far beyond the need for that third cup of coffee by 2 pm.

Sleep is an essential function that recharges the body and helps us remain healthy, and even stave off infections. Unfortunately, when we’re sleep-deprived, the brain can’t function properly and often causes a lack of concentration, fuzzy thinking patterns, and memory loss.

If you feel like you’re not getting enough rest, check out the top reasons you should try to get more shuteye at night and some tips to help ensure you have a good night’s rest.

How Much Sleep Do You Need?

Sleep needs vary from person to person, but most adults need between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per night. That said, around 35% of adults in the US alone don’t get enough sleep.

Top 8 Reasons to Get More Sleep

01. Sleeping Burns Calories

You can burn up to 300 calories sleeping for just two hours. Studies have shown that people who sleep less than 7 hours per night are at a greater risk of weight gain. Also, research has found that people who sleep more tend to eat fewer calories throughout the day.

02. Boost Job Performance
You’ll be a better employee if you get more rest. Even a short nap can help boost job performance by 34%. Studies have shown that getting around 90 minutes of extra sleep can help boost your job performance.

03. Better Athletic Performance

7 to 9 hours of sleep at night can help the body heal during resting hours. Athletes may benefit from up to 10 hours per night. When we sleep, the body heals itself, leading to better performance intensity, more energy, better coordination, faster speed, and better mental functioning.

04. Strengthen Your Immune System

More rest may help you fight off illness. When we sleep, our bodies make a protein called cytokines. These proteins target infection and inflammation, creating an immune response.

Sleep deprivation can hinder the production of these protective cytokines.

05. Heart Health

Studies have shown that inadequate sleep can increase your risk of developing heart disease by up to 13%. In addition, people who don’t get enough healthy sleep are also at a higher risk of high blood pressure.

06. Improve Brain Function

Sleep depri­vation affects your concen­tration, problem-solving skills, memory, and mood. Our brains need enough sleep to function correctly. If you’ve ever felt groggy or irritable after a sleepless night, you know it can be hard to make decisions the next day.

In contrast, good sleep can maximize problem-solving skills and enhance memory.

07. Help Fight Depression
Did you know that poor sleep is tied to depression? Sleep is essential for our overall physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. Other mental health issues, including anxiety, are also strongly linked to poor sleep quality and sleeping disorders.

08. Better Social Interactions
Sleep affects our emotions and social interactions. Without enough rest, it’s hard to regulate emotions and interact socially. This is likely because it’s more challenging to control emotional outbursts in social settings when we’re tired.

Additionally, chronically sleep-deprived people are more likely to withdraw from social events and experience loneliness.

Tips For Better Sleeping Habits

Simple lifestyle changes can help you get more rest at night. Try the following tips to help get your body into a better nighttime routine.

  • * Go to bed at the same time every night, even on weekends.
  • * Keep your bedroom at a comfortable temperature.
  • * Invest in a good-quality mattress, a comfy pillow, and cozy bedding.
  • * Don’t use your phone before you go to bed.
  • * Don’t drink caffeine or alcohol in the hours leading up to bedtime.
  • * Exercise during the day to help you wind down in the evening and prepare for sleep.

If you’re still struggling with sleep after trying these at-home remedies, consider talking to your doctor to rule out a medical condition or side effect from a medication. Just like you prioritize eating healthy and working out to maintain your wellbeing, it’s time to give a good night’s rest the attention it deserves.

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