
Protecting the Doorway of my mind

Calendar Icon January 3, 2022 BY WorkSocial Press and Editorial

1. Create a Daily Gratitude Practice: Every morning during my 10-minute meditation, I focus on gratitude and how I can be 30% more joyful throughout the day. In the evening, when I’m going to sleep, before I drift off, I recall the 3 things I am most grateful for from that day.

2. Let the Most Important People in Your Life Know How Much You Value Them: Who are the people you’re most grateful for? Tell them how much you appreciate them! After all, “life is who you go through life with.”

3. Double-down on Your Passion: Your personal passion is your highest calling… the challenge you’re in love with, and the vision you have for yourself. It’s also the emotional fuel you need to keep you going in the face of inevitable hardships.

4. Develop Your Massive Transformative Purpose (MTP): An MTP is a clear, succinct statement that guides you, empowers you, and helps you decide what to do—as well as what not to do. My MTP is… “To inspire and guide entrepreneurs to create a hopeful, compelling and abundant future for humanity.”

5. Resolve to No Longer Resent Missed Opportunities: In a world of ever-increasing abundance, the future holds many more exciting, fulfilling, and profitable opportunities for you to pursue. Don’t regret the past. Live for your abundant future.

6. Go on a “Media-Diet”: Stop watching CNN, FOX, TikTok… Stop watching the dystopian news and wasting time on social media. This one step can boost your mood 10X.

7. Consume Optimistic / Future-Positive Content: There are a TON of incredible breakthroughs helping to create a world of abundance happening all the time. But you would never know this from the constant stream of negativity from most news outlets. Consider finding media sources that deliver you positive and optimistic insights. (I use the Futureloop News Feed every day. You can check it out here. It’s free and fun!)

8. Embrace Data-Driven Experimentation: Exponential entrepreneurs use rapid iteration and data-driven experimentation to foster creative solutions to previously unsolvable problems. What experiments can you run in 2022 to improve your business?

9. Digitize Everything You Can: Once you digitize a product or service, it jumps on the 6 Ds exponential roadmap and begins a journey towards becoming dematerialized, demonetized, and democratized. What parts of your business can you successfully digitize?

10. Identify and Pursue a Moonshot: Where can you go 10X bigger or better in your business while your competitors are pursuing incremental change? A Moonshot can fuel your life and make every day worth living to the fullest.

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