
Recovery is Equally Important as Training

Calendar Icon May 6, 2022 BY WorkSocial Press and Editorial

Rest is one of the most important parts of performance and exercise. Unfortunately, it also happens to be one of the hardest things to do for people constantly on the go. However, recovery is essential for your mental and physical wellbeing.

If you’re the type of person who feels guilty about taking a day off, one way to help eliminate the guilt trip is to know the benefits of rest and recovery. Plus, is your body begging for a rest day? Learn when it’s time to say ‘no’ training.

What is the Recovery Stage?

When you play sports or exercise, your body is exposed to various stressors. For example, lifting strains your arm muscles while running puts more stress on the legs. So whenever you’re finished with an exercise, it’s essential to give your body time to adapt to the stresses it just underwent. This is called the short-term recovery phase.

Always rest immediately after an intense exercise to avoid injuries. Allow your body to recuperate after extreme movements.

5 Recovery Techniques to Try

Keep the following tips and tricks in mind to help get the most out of your workouts.

01. Rest
You’ll recover quicker from the physical and mental demands of hard training if you rest immediately after working out.

It’s OK to take a rest day as well. Read down below for signs that you should take a day off.

02. Eat & Drink
One of the most important parts of training and recovery is staying hydrated. It’s also vital to nourish your body with the right foods before and after a workout. Food helps restore your body’s energy supply, so try to eat healthy, high-protein foods after a workout to enhance your performance and recovery.

Tip: Eat a lot of lean protein like chicken breast or fish (to help the muscles repair and grow) and carbohydrates (to restore the used glycogen) even on your day off. It’s also a great idea to consult with a dietitian who can help you determine how much you need of each according to your workout routine and lifestyle. Remember, everyone’s nutritional needs are different.

03. Massages
If you’re feeling sore, consider getting a sports massage. Massages help loosen up tight muscles, increase oxygen and blood flow, and help drain lactic acid buildup (which makes you sore).

04. Ice Bath
Ice baths make your blood vessels constrict, pushing the blood away from the muscle because of the freezing temperature. However, once you come out of the ice bath and start to warm up, the vessels open up and allow blood to flow back into the muscle, bringing more oxygen to help you recuperate.

05. Take a Nap
Sleep is also important. If you’re training hard, you could benefit from a short nap after a workout. Nightly sleep is also critical. Even one or two nights of poor sleep can reduce performance for long bouts of exercise.

Also, consistent, inadequate sleep can change hormone levels, affecting muscle recovery, muscle building, and performance.

Signs You Need a Rest Day

Is your body telling you it’s time to take a recovery day? No matter your exercise schedule, it’s crucial to listen to your body. Some telltale signs your body is begging for a break include fatigue, an unexplained decrease in performance, and musculoskeletal aches and pains. Likewise, if you feel restless, cranky, have a hard time sleeping, lose your appetite, or feel depressed or stressed, you may also be pushing yourself too hard.

In general, you should plan a rest day every seven to ten days if you engage in high-intensity physical activity. However, some people may benefit from a rest day more often, like twice a week.

Recovery is Worth it

The whole point of recovery in exercise is to allow your muscles to repair themselves. If your muscles are sore from your workout, give them a break. Use the tips above during the recovery stage to help move the process along.

The more you let your body rest, the better you’ll perform during your next workout.

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