
Self-Care for Busy People

Calendar Icon July 11, 2022 BY WorkSocial Press and Editorial

What does self-care look like to you? Sitting back with a good book, without anyone to disturb you? Or how about baking a delicious cake from scratch? For some, it is going for a run, while for others, it’s all about a day at the spa. It sounds like something most people do, right? Unfortunately, not!

A recent survey revealed a worrying pattern. Only 1 in 3 people in America feel guilty about engaging in an act they consider self-care. And even more worrisome is that 67% of Americans choose to take care of another individual over themselves. Such statistics don’t make for good reading, and it isn’t surprising that 51% of Americans experience some form of burnout.

These statistics haven’t been placed to alarm you. Instead, they point out how prevalent a lack of self-care is in the country and how little people think about it.

Waiting to the point of burnout isn’t the goal, nor is feeling overwhelmed about how to start on this path to self-care. Often, nothing is eventually done. Creating pockets of self-care is an even middle ground on what seems to be a tumultuous path.


What is a pocket of self-care?

A pocket of self-care is a small window of time taken out of an otherwise busy day to do even one thing considered self-care. For a busy person, it can often feel like an impossible task. But start small and slowly add more time to these pockets of self-care. It can be as short as taking out 5 minutes from the day to do something centering and calming. Make it a habit and try to track it using an app or even just pen and paper. Once a pattern is established, add a few minutes to the self-care pocket. Soon, it won’t feel like a herculean task to take out some time for yourself.


What does self-care look like?

Self-care isn’t always a glamorous activity. It may not always be spa days and indulgent shopping trips. More often than not, it will be the active decision to take a moment and take care of yourself. What is self-care for you may not be self-care for another. For example, if you have difficulty exercising or aren’t in the best shape, your self-care may end up being going for a short walk. In comparison, someone who loves to work out may not have difficulty finding a moment of their day to do so.

Self-care can feel challenging at times as it may involve you doing something that makes you uncomfortable. It could mean finally seeing a therapist or cutting toxic friends out of your life. Self-care comes in the form of saying no to that one extra drink or staying in to get some sleep instead of a night out with friends.


What are some forms of self-care?

There are many different kinds of self-care. Here’s a look at each kind, along with ways in which you can perform self-care-related acts.


  1. Physical Self-Care
    Physical self-care ensures your body feels healthy, nourished, and running efficiently. The body and mind have a strong connection; hence, the better you feel…, the better you think. Acts of physical self-care for those who are busy can include-

    • Quick lunch break walks. Take along a colleague or a friend. Or, if you want some time alone, listen to your favorite song or audiobook.
    • Short meditation and breathwork sessions. If you work from an office or a coworking space such as WorkSocial, form a small club and invite others!
    • Eat healthy and nourishing food. If you don’t have the time to cook, sign up for a lunch service or meal prep for the week ahead every Sunday.
  2. Social Self-Care
    People thrive through social contact. When you’re feeling low, talk to your friends! Face-to-face contact with other people will recharge your social battery and fuel your soul.

    • If you work from home, crave social contact, or find yourself isolated, coworking space for rent are a great place to meet people. Conversations with new people also help you open your mind to new possibilities.
    • Social self-care isn’t all positive. It also requires removing toxic people from your life and staying away from those that don’t add value to it.
    • A text message takes a minute to type and a millisecond to send. Don’t hesitate to reach out.
  3. Emotional Self-Care
    Do you find yourself feeling drained, overstretched, and emotionally unavailable? Learning the appropriate coping mechanisms for uncomfortable emotions such as anxiety, sadness, and fear is essential.

    • Talk to a licensed therapist and learn healthy coping mechanisms
    • Learn to say no! Don’t feel guilty about not having the emotional bandwidth to take on more than you can handle.
    • Talk to friends and family about what you’re feeling, don’t let emotions bubble up… cope with them as they come to you.


Some FAQs About Self-Care

  1. How do I start my journey of self-care? Start with taking a small amount of time out every day and making a habit of it.
  2. What happens if I ignore my self-care? You will experience burnout eventually and find yourself lethargic, irritable, and unable to focus.
  3. How can I engage with coworkers and make friends? Social interactions are a great form of self-care, and coworking spaces, such as WorkSocial, are a great place to make friends. Start a book club, a lunch potluck, or a puzzle-solving group!


Self-care is at the core of a healthy life – physical, mental, and emotional. Even amidst a busy work schedule, taking small steps is essential to a holistic sense of health.






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