
2021 is in the books. So what’s on the roster for 2022?

Calendar Icon January 10, 2022 BY WorkSocial Press and Editorial

It’s a new year, which means organizations are grappling with rapid transformations across all sectors. But 2022 isn’t like any other year. In the wake of the “Big Quit,” there are enormous global shifts and challenges businesses need to take into account. In other words, the world is rapidly changing. And businesses have to learn to adapt to stay afloat. The following business trends offer a sneak peek at how business operations will evolve for the upcoming year.

#1. Remote is the New ‘Norm’

Covid-19 resulted in many businesses being forced to offer remote work. This year, hybrid or employee-choice will also be an option. More businesses are looking into virtual offices or co-working spaces while traditional office settings take a back seat.

Even after the pandemic is over, it’s not looking great for conventional offices. Studies have shown that 40% of workers may quit their jobs if they’re forced to return to the office full time.

#2. Employee Recruitment & Retention

Over 38 million workers quit their jobs in 2021. Employers are under scrutiny for unfair wages and working conditions as people are tired of the “old ways of working.” In 2022, companies have to promote better wages, more freedom, and benefits to keep employees.

Companies marketing better ethics, values, and culture will become more prominent in 2022. In addition, expect to see new employee perks, a focus on mental health, and more flexibility in the workplace.

#3. Purposeful Businesses

This trend is all about businesses that exist to serve a meaningful purpose – not just a cash flow for owners and shareholders. People are desperate for a better future, and companies with a strong purpose and the promise of positive change are more likely to succeed.

#4. Focus on Family

Linked to Trend #2, more businesses are likely going to offer more benefits for workers’ family members. With so many people leaving their jobs, there’s huge competition right now for workers. So extending employee benefits to family members is another way businesses will try and survive in 2022.

#5. Contract Basis Workers

The way we work is evolving. More young people are entering the workforce, and many of them expect the option to work remotely. Not only are they seeking autonomy, but many argue traditional full-time employment will soon be a thing of the past.

Instead, businesses are hiring people on a contract basis. And in most cases, these contractors work remotely. A major perk of this new way of working is that businesses now have a much larger talent pool to select from and vice versa. Employees can find work across the country without packing up and moving.

#6. Balancing Humans & Robots

It is 2022, after all. We have increasingly capable robots and artificial intelligence (AI) technology that can perform jobs previously done by humans. This leaves workers wondering if a machine will take over their careers. What tasks should be given to machines, and which are best suited to humans? This is something that more businesses will have to figure out this year.

While there’s no doubt automation will affect every industry, business leaders must prepare their workers for the changes.

#7. Customer Service Will Focus on Current Customers

Retaining customers, rather than recruiting new ones, will be the trend this year. Repeat customers have more value than new customers. To keep current customers happy, businesses will increase customer service and focus on retaining loyal customers coming back for more.

Similar to workers leaving for better jobs, consumers will spend their money on businesses that they feel care more.

#8. Sustainability

The environment is suffering, and more consumers are starting to take note of the environmental crisis. Organizations should eliminate or reduce the environmental costs of doing business. More small and large businesses are toting initiatives to improve sustainability across all business operations. Any company that ignores sustainability will probably not do well in this new age of conscious consumption.

The past year has come and gone. Brush up on the latest business trends to help ensure a successful year ahead.


The shifting talent pool and changing employee experience

The way we work is evolving, with more younger people entering the workforce, more gig workers, and more remote workers. In their book, The Human Cloud, Matthew Mottola and Matthew Coatney argue that traditional full-time employment will be a thing of the past, as organizations shift to hiring people on a contract basis – with those contractors working remotely.

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