
5 reasons why lawyers thrive in coworking & shared office spaces

Calendar Icon April 4, 2022 BY WorkSocial Press and Editorial

The United States of America has over 1 million lawyers, all vying to make a name for themselves. Courtesy Covid-19, many attorneys are working from home, which means their focus, work-life balance, and productivity is compromised. Why are coworking and shared office spaces the ultimate solution for lawyers in the United States? Because:

  1. Work takes on a more meaningful role.
  2. Better work-life balance.
  3. Increase in business networks.
  4. Hike in motivation.
  5. Rise in income.

Work takes on a more meaningful role

Unlike traditional offices, coworking and shared office spaces are a collection of members who work for different projects, companies, and ventures. With little internal politics or direct competition, lawyers who work from shared office space for lawyers are less inclined to put on a work persona to fit in. Additionally, working in a mixed community where everyone does different kinds of work can bolster one’s work identity and increase productivity by 73%. Lawyers who choose to work from shared office spaces participate in a social movement – one where collaboration, community, sustainability, and learning are common.

Better work-life balance

Coworking spaces are generally accessible 24/7 and for lawyers with flexible-timings, they are the perfect fit. Studies have shown that 83% of people who work from coworking spaces feel happier and more satisfied, with 65% reporting a better work-life balance. Attorneys can decide whether to put in an overnight shift, take a long lunch break, or hit the gym. They also have the choice of working from a private cubicle, shared table, or from home.

Increase in business networks

For law firms in a collaborative setting, consulting with a legal practitioner from another firm over coffee or lunch is easy. A water cooler conversation can lead to new ideas that can directly impact your law practice. Law firms who run their businesses out of coworking and shared office spaces report a 78% increase in business networks. Their presence in shared workspaces serves the legal needs of other members and organizations and creates a culture of fruitful lawyer-to-lawyer networks.

Hike in motivation

Shared spaces offer a community setting for self-employed lawyers and law firms seeking autonomy, motivation, discipline, and structure. A Harvard Business Review reported that members who work in coworking and shared work spaces reported productivity levels or levels of thriving that are near an average of 6 on a 7-point scale. That’s a point higher than the average for employees working from regular offices. According to the study, 86% of coworking professionals experienced an increase in motivation at shared workspaces because they had more control over their work and performance.

Rise in income

Coworking spaces help lawyers feel socially integrated, get professional support, and increase legal networks. All of these factors invariably lead to referrals, an integral component for maintaining a steady income stream. Referrals are great for building client pipelines too – and they all lead to an increase in income, especially for solo lawyers and legal practitioners in small law firms.

Key to coworking success

Make the most of available amenities to streamline work and get your law firm up and running from day one.

Develop a strong business network by making the most of networking & event opportunities in shared workspaces. 

Know the rules to experience the uninterrupted benefits of coworking.

Explore networking opportunities & events such as gatherings, educational events, and meet-and-greets that assist with professional advancement.


To summarize, the benefits available to attorneys who work out of coworking and shared office spaces are aplenty. Lawyers who choose a well-curated work environment such as Worksocial demonstrate higher levels of happiness than their traditional office-based counterparts. At the end of the day, lawyers who cowork have substantial autonomy. What that means is that they can be themselves at work, invariably leading to high levels of thriving. Legal practitioners who are given the support and space to be their authentic selves are more likely to energize their workplace every day with new information, energy, and ideas.




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