
What Kind of Leader are YOU?

Calendar Icon June 25, 2020 BY WorkSocial Press and Editorial

Does holding authority in your job make you more effective?

Or let us put it this way…who is more effective -A Boss, a Manager or a Leader?

Undoubtedly, a committed leader who leads by example and brings out the best in others is not only more effective at work but also a role model for others to follow.

On that note, let us see what makes the three kinds of authority figures- boss, manager and leader different starting from the worst to best.

The Boss

The name itself calls for a negative figure that is intimidating and creates a hostile environment in the workplace. A category reserved for arrogant and tyrant figures working around their self-centred ideas. A bunch of smart and sharp people who hold that role because of what they are. However, what they lack is the ability to step in the other person’s shoes and practice the basic emotion of ‘Tactical Empathy’ wherein they should bring in an understanding from the employee’s perspective.

Flexing their ego muscles and bloated with self-pride, they believe themselves to be unerring and weigh authority and power on the same scale.

They dictate their terms oblivious of the charring effects of their words and character on those working under them. A universally accepted fact emphasizes that people around the world give up their jobs not because they dislike their work, but because they cannot cope with their bosses.

The Manager

Envisaged as a figure that spends half of his life at the work station, he is more of a task manager rather than an authority figure. Always on the lookout to balance and organize things around, he pays less heed to bond with his team. As a result, he is a pseudo figure who fails to connect the dots and complete a team.

Any move that rocks his boat annoys him, so much so that every challenge is perceived as a risk and every opportunity a threat. He avoids upfront conversations and difficult decisions for the fear of being judged. Holding on to his popularity is dearer to him rather than stepping ahead and leading the flock.

The Leader

This is a coveted authority position that most seek but few live up to. A good leader is one who balances both the organization and its employees. He connects with the team on ground level demonstrating high standards of tactical empathy.

Leaders know how to shift gears between authority and ego and when to use what to accelerate the organization’s growth. They create an amiable work environment where each feels wanted and is motivated to work in high spirits. Leaders are proactive, visionary and future-forward in their approach to work.

How to be a Leader

Knowing the difference between the three, how do you shift from being a boss or manager to a true leader? Simple, scale up your ‘Emotional Intelligence’ (EQ). Understand that it is not only about you but the herd of hardworking people following you. While focusing on the details, keep an eye on the bigger picture too, where there is space for everyone.

Realize that your words, actions and gestures impact people around you. This will make you more responsible towards the team, increase their morale and foster a lasting team spirit.

Leaders lead from the front while placing themselves on the back foot. For them, their organization and team come first. Seeing such an exemplary example of a leader any team would strive to stand by him through thick and thin.

So be a leader who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way to the world.

Post Author: Derek Gaunt
Website: https://www.blackswanltd.com/

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